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King of Venice Beach - Michael Colyar

Help Michael Colyar Bring
The KING of Venice Beach
 To Life

Join us in celebrating Michael Colyar's return to Venice Beach for a comedy special with heart. Your support transcends laughter, aiding the homeless and enriching our community. Be part of something extraordinary.

Learn how Michael got started with his comedy career in Venice Beach & why he was crowned THE KING!

Learn more about our Crowdfunding Campaign mission. 

This isn't your typical Comedy Special. We are also helping the homeless community. Check it out the project impact!

Your support to make this Comedy special and to help the homeless community means the world to my team & I. Get involved ❤️


The Stage

Journey with Michael as he shares his real start-up story. In this short video, he talks about his first steps in comedy and why he's excited about this new special. Hit play to hear it straight from Michael and see how you can help make it happen.

The King Of Venice Beach Crowdfunding Campaign


Michael's Story...

From his humble beginnings on the vibrant boardwalks of Venice Beach, Michael Colyar has become a household name in comedy. Known for his quick wit and heartwarming humor, Michael has spent over three decades making people laugh and think. He's not just a comedian; he's a storyteller who finds joy in every moment and shares it generously with his audience.

The Mission

Michael's journey goes beyond the stage. His passion for giving back is at the core of 'The KING of Venice Beach.' This special is more than just laughs; it's about creating a positive impact. By teaming up with the St. Joseph Center, Michael is committed to supporting those in need while spreading joy through his comedy.


Why 'The KING of Venice Beach?

This special is a full-circle moment for Michael. It's a tribute to the place where it all started and a celebration of the journey that followed. It's about coming home, giving back, and sharing a message of resilience and hope through the universal language of laughter.

Comedy for a Cause

Making a Difference One Laugh at a Time


Blessing Bags for the Homeless

Every donation to 'The KING of Venice Beach' isn't just to help the production of the show; it's a helping hand to those in need. We're sending out 1,986 blessing bags filled with essentials to the homeless, making a real difference in our community.


Supporting Our Neighbors

Our laughter extends beyond the stage. A portion of the proceeds goes to the St. Joseph Center in Venice, supporting their mission to assist the working poor and homeless, offering more than just temporary relief but a chance at a better life.


Laughter As Medicine

Michael believes in the power of laughter to heal. This project isn't only about entertainment; it's about bringing joy and lightness to improve mental health and wellness. It's comedy with a purpose, touching lives one joke at a time.

Want the inside scoop on 'The KING of Venice Beach'? Sign up here and be the first to know about all the exciting developments.

Thanks for submitting!

"Comedy is the melody of the heart; when we laugh together, we heal together." 


The King Of Venice Beach Crowdfunding Campaign

I know you're wondering...

How Can I Support This Great Comedy For A Cause? 

The Process Is Simple. Check It Out!



The King of Venice Beach Comedy Special crowdfunding campaign is hosted on the Indiegogo platform. In just one click you'll land directly on our campaign page.



Once you are on the Indiegogo platform, you'll see some amazing perks that we're offering to our supporters. From love shout outs, virtual 1-1 meet and greets with Michael Colyar, you can even be a PRODUCER for the upcoming KOVB Comedy Special 👀




Enter in your donation amount and click that submit button. You can put any amount of your choosing. No amount is too big or too small. We appreciate it all.
*If you choose a perk, you'll put your donation with the aligning perk and someone from our team will reach out to you via email with further info. 

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